
New Year Skincare Resolutions You Can Keep!

New Year Skincare Resolutions You Can Keep!

We’ve heard it before - “this year I’m definitely going to pay more attention to my skin!” We know you have good intentions when it comes to following through with your new year’s goals, but then life gets in the way. Our advice? Start small. You don’t need a 27-step skincare routine to have glowing skin. What you DO need is a good routine and a few carefully selected products to get you started. Here’s where to start: Figure out what your skin type is. This is the most important thing you can do for your skin. Knowing what skin type you have will determine which types of products you use. In order to get maximum results you absolutely cannot skip this step! Here’s how to tell based on how your skin feels: Tight? Your skin is likely dry Noticeable shine on nose and forehead? Likely normal / combination Shine on cheeks in addition to forehead and nose? Likely oily Get the skincare basics. First things first: the essentials. You can worry about all of those extra products later. Here’s what you should start with: Cleanser: Natural products can be great for the skin but not when it comes to preventing breakouts. Make sure you choose a cleanser with an active ingredient so that it kills acne-causing bacteria and keeps your skin’s delicate ecosystem healthy and balanced. Toner: The type of toner you choose should be specific to your skin type. It gently exfoliates the skin so be careful of over exfoliation! Serum: We would opt for a hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid or a brightening serum with vitamin c to start with! Moisturizer: Having hydrated skin is literally a cureall. When your skin is properly hydrated you look younger, have less prominent fine lines and wrinkles and protect your skin from breakouts. When your skin is dry you get microtears in the skin and it's the perfect environment for acne-causing bacteria to settle into...yuck! SPF: SPF IS YOUR BFF. Seriously. If you want to prevent dark spots, dull looking skin and signs of aging then you absolutely need to wear SPF. Yes even inside and YES even in the winter. Don’t forget about your neck and your hands! Eye cream: The skin under your eyes is 10x thinner than the rest of the skin on your face. Your under eyes deserve special attention and are also the area that can show signs of aging first. A good eye cream can make you look brighter, more awake and younger all at the same time! Establish a routine. If you ever want to see results from your hard work, consistency is key. Even more importantly is the actual layering of your products for max results. Here’s what our AM & PM routines look like: Morning Routine: Cleanse with gentle cleanser Vitamin C serum Moisturizer SPF Bedtime Routine: Gently remove makeup Use cleanser with an active ingredient Use toner Apply serums (thinnest to heaviest) Moisturize Apply eye cream Weekly Routine: Gently exfoliate 1x per week Use a hydrating mask 2x per week Healthy skin habits to prioritize: Hydrate: Hydration is essential to a glowing complexion. Staying properly hydrated allows your skin to look and feel rejuvenated every day. Well-hydrated skin is generally less sensitive and helps fight fine lines and wrinkles. Here’s how we like to keep our skin hydrated: Internal hydration: Water. Water. Water. There is nothing more important to full body and skin health than drinking enough water. Everybody is different, but we recommend at least 8 8oz glasses per day. Tip: drink coconut water for extra hydrating power. External hydration: We LOVE our hydrating masks. We recommend Get Glowing 2x per week along with Mandelic Acid 5+ Pads for gentle exfoliation to give you the best hydrating experience. Don’t Touch: Hands OFF the face! We know, we know, with a face this pretty it’s nearly impossible to resist. But listen here - not touching your face will expedite the skin glowing process. This means no picking, no sleeping with your hands on the pillow, no resting your face on your hands. It’s tough, we know, but pay attention to it and you’ll be able to build this healthy skin habit. 4. Stick to your Routine: Ultimately, habits come down to routine. Healthy skin habits are no exception, you’ll succeed as you prioritize these in your routine. Use our guidelines about to build your perfect am and pm routine then stick to it!!! Your skin will thank you for your dedication to washing, taking off makeup, putting on serums, and protecting with the appropriate SPF! WE GOT THIS!