
Your After-Sun Skincare Guide!

Your After-Sun Skincare Guide!

Did you know caring for your skin after prolonged exposure is just as important as wearing SPF to protect it during the day? When the skin is exposed to UV rays for extended periods of time (yes, even if you constantly reapply sunscreen), the top layer of the skin gets fried. Dry skin, especially after a long day in the sun, causes redness, creates the perfect environment for acne-causing bacteria to get comfortable, and can cause premature signs of aging. Being diligent with your after-sun skincare routine not only soothes the skin to remove redness and irritation but restores and protects the skin’s natural moisture barrier, which is critical to the overall health of your complexion. Here are our favorite products to keep your skin healthy and glowing all summer long! Green Tea & Pomegranate Antioxidant Tonic This powerful toner is perfect for rehydrating and refreshing the skin after sun exposure. It works to remove any leftover oils, bacteria, or product residue that might still be lingering on your skin after cleansing. This lightweight, moisturizing toner is packed with antioxidants, amino acids and niacinamide to help repair and regenerate at a cellular level to keep your complexion bright and even! Uses: Spray on face & body after cleansing or to soothe sunburns Use to refresh skin post-workout or during long periods of sun exposure Soothe dry hands Botanical Milk Cleanser If you’ve spent a long day in the sun, using an active ingredient cleanser may be too harsh on the skin (especially if it’s burned) and can cause further irritation and redness. Opting for a mild, gentle cleanser like our Botanical Milk Cleanser will effectively cleanse the skin while rehydrating the skin to keep it looking youthful! Acne & Rosacea safe Vitamin C brightens the skin Use as makeup remover Hydro-facial Daily Gel Cream Moisturizer It’s likely that as the seasons change, so will the daily moisturizer you opt for. The heavier creams you use in the winter will likely cause breakouts in the summer due to increased sweating and sun exposure. Our light-as-air Hydro-facial Daily Gel Cream Moisturizer can be used all year round and is packed with Hyaluronic Acid to deeply nourish and rehydrate the skin without clogging your pores. Hyaluronic Acid deeply hydrates & restores Caffeine energizes look of dull skin Acne & Rosacea safe
What you should know about face acids.

What you should know about face acids.

We know what you’re thinking….what the heck is a face acid and how do you pick the right one? Don’t worry - you’ve come to the right place! Though the term “face acid” sounds positively terrifying, it is actually the prize of the skincare world and can get your complexion to go from not to hot. Here’s everything you need to know about face acids: What they are To say it simply, face acids in skincare refer to ingredients that are used for exfoliation and have a pH balance of < 7. Face acids can be separated into two major categories: AHAs and BHAs. These ingredients work to stimulate cellular turnover and shed old, dull, dead skin cells to make way for shiny, bright new ones. It’s the equivalent of a micro-chemical peel that loosens up all the bad stuff and allows it to slough those cells right off your face. AHAs vs BHAs: What’s what? AHAs, or alpha hydroxy acids, are water-soluble meaning they work mostly on the surface layer of the skin and target things like texture issues, fine lines, wrinkles and dullness. They gently exfoliate the outer layer of skin to even out tone, texture and ultimately brighten the skin. BHAs, or beta hydroxy acids, penetrate the skin and get into the lower layers to help unclog pores and remove oils and dead skin cells making them a great option for those with acne-prone skin. Our favorite face acids While there are many different acids to choose from, we have a few that we always find ourselves coming back to to keep us looking young and radiant. Here are our top 5 all time favorites: Hyaluronic Acid: If you’re looking to draw moisture into your skin and get that plumping effect look no further. Hyaluronic acid is the holy grail of hydrating acids and can help reduce the look of dull, dry skin and fine lines. Kojic Acid: Kojic acid actually works to prevent the forming of melanin (what gives our skin pigment) and lightens the skin. It targets dark spots, discoloration, hyperpigmentation and can battle acne scars. Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C): Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant as well as a face acid and works to brighten the complexion and protect against photoaging. Skin looking tired, dull or lifeless? Give it some Vitamin C. Mandelic Acid: Mandelic acid is our favorite acid for fighting acne-causing bacteria because it’s gentler on the skin and yields the same results as other AHAs like glycolic or salicylic acid. Mandelic acid works to promote collagen production, accelerate cellular turnover and is a powerful exfoliant perfect for acne-prone skin.  
Breakouts vs. Purging - Which is which?

Breakouts vs. Purging - Which is which?

It seems like it’s an endless cycle.. Girl sees skincare, girl buys skincare, skincare leads to a massive breakout. But what if all this time you weren’t actually breaking out and your skin was just purging? Here’s what to look for to find out. Breakouts If you pay close attention to your skin, you’ll notice it always asks you for exactly what it needs - moisturizer, a gentle cleanser, a detox mask. This rule also applies to trying out new skincare products. Breakouts are caused by bacteria and pores that are clogged by dead skin cells. The bacteria gets trapped in the pores and triggers an immune response, causing a flare up and angry, red blemishes. Purging Purging refers to blemishes caused by an increase in cell-turnover to remove dead skin cells, which, incidentally, also produces flare ups and blemishes. The difference with purging is that it usually will last 6-8 weeks before your skin returns to normal. Think of this process as an accelerated shedding process that pulls up all of the gunk currently trapped in your pores. How to tell the difference Purging pulls up what already exists deep below the surface. If you begin breaking out in areas that you’ve never had blemishes in before, it’s likely that it’s a breakout, not a skin purge. Purge blemishes are also somewhat mild, existing just below the surface of the skin while blemishes caused from breakouts are categorized as cysts, nodules and pustules that are rooted deep beneath the surface. Pay attention to the time frame in which you’ve implemented a new skincare product to your routine as well as the ingredients it contains. Look for products that are non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores) and be sure to always do a patch test before using across the entire face!
Why You Should Ditch Your Hand Sanitizer

Why You Should Ditch Your Hand Sanitizer

We know you might not believe us based on your past experiences, but we’ll let you in on a little secret: it is actually possible to kill harmful germs and bacteria using hand sanitizer without destroying your skin! Traditional hand sanitizer is known for its powerful antibacterial properties but likely even more so for its ability to dry out even the most moisturized hands - not to mention the stringent, clinical smell it leaves behind... No, thanks. Keeping your hands clean and bacteria free is not only beneficial for your skin (we know you touch your face more than you want to admit), it’s essential for total body health. Most harmful bacteria makes its way into the body after your hands make contact with your mouth, nose, or eyes. Yuck! We believe that you deserve products that do it all: powerful ingredients that are also kind to your skin. Our Hand Sanitizer, with the supercharged anti aging powers of Vitamin E, is our latest brag (and likely the sanitizer of your dreams)! It kills 99.9% of germs and leaves your hands looking fresh and hydrated without that clinical scent. You can thank us later! SHOP NOW
☀️Summer Series ☀️ Get Glowing Skin

☀️Summer Series ☀️ Get Glowing Skin

Have a big summer event coming up? Just need a skin pick-me-up? It's time to book our Rejuvenating Antioxidant Facial! This facial is like bling for your face and will leave you looking like a million with barely any downtime.

Look Your Best with CoolSculpting

Spending time by the pool during the summer can be can also put unwanted pressure on you to look your absolute best all the time. Relive the pressure and book a CoolSculpting consultation at beyond complexion at Flores Dermatology and learn how to freeze off those pesky last few pounds. What is CoolSculpting? For anyone who has battled that last stubborn inch or two of flab, only to have it persist through all manner of healthy eating and exercise, Coolsculpting is a wish granted. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, trademarked process using cryolipolysis technology to remove fat cells, non-invasively. Click to learn more >> CoolSculpting Petite Applicator beyond complexion is also using the CoolAdvantage Petite Applicator. The Applicator is designed (and FDA-cleared) to treat upper arms safely and effectively. Wave goodbye to arm fat this summer! Click to learn more >> Click to book your CoolSculpting Consultation
Get Fresher, Younger Skin with Micro-needling

Get Fresher, Younger Skin with Micro-needling

What is Micro-needling? Micro-needling is a procedure where very tiny needles lightly puncture the skin, creating what the body perceives as a mini “injury” that causes the skin to create collagen and elastin - the stuff we really wish we had more of as we age! The process stimulates new cell generation and leads to fresher, younger, dewy-looking skin with results seen as soon as 2 weeks after. Who is it best for? Micro-needling is used to improve scars, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and melasma. So it's good for most people with any type of skin issues! Plus, the procedure can address sensitive areas that may be difficult to treat by other methods, such as the delicate area around the eyes, brow, décolletage, neck, hands and more. Plus... Serums like hyaluronic acid are added to the treatment since the skin is primed to absorb their healing properties. What Should You Expect After? Make sure you take extra special care of your face during this time. After micro-needling your skin will appear pinkish for about 1-2 days. Avoid harsh products like retinol, but do keep using products with hyaluronic acid to keep the healing going. Be cautious about getting sweat and unwanted bacteria on your face during this time as well. How Often Should You get the Procedure? Results are best achieved with regular treatments. A minimum of 4 a year, up to 1 every 6 weeks is suggested. Click to learn more about micro-needling Click to book your micro-needling appointment today
Lose those pesky pounds with CoolSculpting

Lose those pesky pounds with CoolSculpting

While we love a good New Year's resolution, we don't want to spend every waking moment at the gym. Instead, book a CoolSculpting consultation at beyond complexion at Flores Dermatology and learn how to freeze off those pesky last few pounds. What is CoolSculpting?For anyone who has battled that last stubborn inch or two of flab, only to have it persist through all manner of healthy eating and exercise, Coolsculpting is a wish granted. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, trademarked process using cryolipolysis technology to remove fat cells, non-invasively.Click to learn more >> CoolSculpting Petite Applicatorbeyond complexion is also using the all-new CoolAdvantage Petite Applicator. The Applicator is designed (and FDA-cleared) to treat upper arms safely and effectively. Wave goodbye to arm fat this year!Click to learn more >>
What is Dermaplaning?

What is Dermaplaning?

Exfoliation on a Whole New Level Get glowing skin. Dry, dull skin is something we continuously try and combat. We can try to wash and exfoliate constantly, but sometimes you need something a little more intense to really get your skin looking healthy and glowing. We are introducing a new procedure at beyond complexion called Dermaplaning. This procedure uses a scalpel on forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, and neck and removes that pesky layer of dead skin cells and the peach fuzz on your face that can trap debris. While you'll love the immediate results when you see your glowing skin, the procedure also has great long-term effects including increased cell turnover, reduction in wrinkles and dark spots, and reduction of acne scarring. Click here to book your Dermaplaning consultation today!
Summer Skincare Routine

Summer Skincare Routine

Get Your Skin Glowing This Summer Make sure you have your summer essentials. Summer can do a number on your skin. We’ve all gotten a little too familiar with the sun at some point in our lives and lived to regret the burn and dry skin the next day. With the sun, the sweat, and the heat all making an impact, it’s incredibly important that you pay attention to your skin. The right skincare routine during the summer is essential to keep your skin hydrated, glowing and protected.
Business Woman CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting Petite

It's CoolSculpting for your arms The latest in CoolSculpting technology. You thought all of your dreams came true when you heard about CoolSculpting, but you are still struggling with your jiggly wave. It's time to get out the tank tops! We are excited to announce beyond complexion is now using the CoolAdvantage Petite Applicator. The Applicator is designed (and FDA-cleared) to treat upper arms safely and effectively. Want to learn more about CoolSculpting? Click here to see our blog post that gives you all of the details on the procedure. Want to get the wiggle out of your wave? Of course you do! Click here to contact Olga Valencia at beyond complexion at Flores Dermatology and book a consultation. Check out the results!